The Fine Print
May buy 4 for yourself and unlimited additional as gifts. May use 1 per visit. Not valid for Paranormal Investigations.
Not valid between Oct 1 and Oct 31. Reservations required and subject to availability. Merchant cancellation/rescheduling policy of 24 hours applies; voucher subject to forfeiture. Entire voucher value must be used in a single visit by the same group/pair. Groups cannot exceed 25 people. Arriving at least 10 minutes early is strongly suggested.
Expires 4 months after purchase. See the terms that apply to all deals.
What's Included
- $27 for Ghost Tour Admission for Two Adults ($54 Value)
Visit locations of actual hauntings and try your hand at using real ghost-hunting equipment. Popular tours include the Cemetary Tour, Outer Reaches, and Olf Town. Visit for times and schedule.