The Fine Print
May buy 1 for yourself and 3 additional as gifts. May redeem 1 per person per trip. Trips run from 5/30/16 to 9/7/16. Reservations required and subject to availability and weather conditions. Merchant cancellation/re-scheduling policy of 48 hours for groups of 1 to 9 and 7 days for groups of 10+ applies; voucher may be forfeit. Must be age 4 or older. All services must be redeemed during a single visit by same customer or group.
Valid through: Sep 7, 2016. See the terms that apply to all deals.
What's Included
- $39 for a Rafting Trip in Grand Teton National Park for 1 ($70 Value)
Enjoy an exclusive, breathtaking float trip that passes directly below the Grand Teton mountains and through the beauty of Jackson Hole.