The Fine Print
May buy 1 for yourself and 2 additional as gifts. May use 1 per vehicle. Must use entire value in 1 visit. Appointment required; subject to availability. 24 hour cancellation policy applies or voucher may be subject to forfeiture. Valid from Weber to Salt Lake County.
Expires 6 months after purchase. See the terms that apply to all deals.
Two Options Available
- $25 for $50 to Spend on Screen Repair & Replacement
- $50 for $100 to Spend on Fogged Window Repair
Time, weather, and kids can wear down your windows and screens, making them ugly and compromising their function. The good news is, many windows and screens can be repaired to look new again. If they aren't repairable, Precision Auto can replace windows and screens with the highest quality materials for a fraction of the cost.