The Fine Print
May buy 2 vouchers. May use up to 2 vouchers per group. Must use entire value in 1 visit. Only valid Tuesday - Thursday. Adults are ages 13+. May be used for children's tickets (ages 3-12) which are a $15 value. Children 2 and under do not need a ticket. To check ride times and availability, go to Schedule may vary due to special events. Must call Heber Valley Railroad to make a reservation; subject to availability. Refunds will not be issued for missed rides. Does not include lunch.
Valid through: Sep 29, 2018. See the terms that apply to all deals.
What's Included
- $20 for Two Adult Tickets for Deer Creek Express, Valid Tuesday - Thursday (Up to $40 Value)
This 90 minute trip will take you along the Wasatch Mountains, past the wide-open vistas of Deer Creek Reservoir, and through the beautiful Heber Valley. The ride departs at 3:00 pm and return 4:30 pm.